CYL Publishing Market
JUNE 12.13.14
Madrid community Booth
Madrid Book Fair - EL RETIRO
The meeting and networking point between national and international publishers and presentation of the EMERGING VOICES in CYL illustration in our country.

June 12.13
B2B meetings for the purchase and sale of rights between national and international publishers specialized in children’s and youth literature (CYL).
→ Participating national and international publishers can schedule meetings through the event’s online platform one month before its start.
→ The platform allows you to create your own profile and request meetings.
Confirmed international publishers
→ Em. Querido’s Uitgeverij (Querido). Dik Zweekhorst – Netherlands
→ Toledo kirjastus OÜ. Mari Laan – Estonia
→ Widnokrąg. Anna Nowacka-Devillard – Poland
→ Sulakauri Publishing. Khetevan Djakeli – Georgia
→ Päike ja Pilv. Katrin Reinmaa – Estonia
→ VigeVageKnjige. Zala Zagorsek Golob – Slovenia
→ 15.04.24 to 6.05.24 Registration
→ 06.05.24 to 10.06.24 Appointment scheduling periode
→ 12.06.24 from 10:45 a.m. to 2 p.m.
→ 13.06.24 from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.

June 14th
Emerging voices
Presentation of the winner, finalist and semi-finalist illustrators of the 13th edition of the EMERGING VOICES program.
We invite the publishers of the CYL · 2024 Edition Market to meet with the selection of illustration students, participants in the program, who stand out for their unique skills in the field of the CYL.
The students presented have been selected by an international jury composed of Monica Bergna – Alboroto Edicones Méjico, André Leitra – Patològico Portugal and Magalí Homs– Tantàgora.
The participating students belong to 9 art schools throughout the peninsula and have been selected from among 143 applications.
12pm to 1pm
→ Elevator Pitch. In-person presentation of the winner and the 5 finalists, each of them will have 3 minutes to present their work and themselves.
→ Exhibition of the program finalists. Sample illustration of the selected semi-finalists.
→ Caña Networking. Informal moment between participants.

Madrid community Booth
Madrid Book Fair – El Retiro